Avoid Disappointment: How to Ensure Success with Your Pattern Maker

How to avoid designer distress

Launching a fashion label is no easy feat, especially if you’re a startup designer. It’s easy to feel frustrated when the process doesn’t meet your expectations. But what if the key to avoiding disappointment lies in understanding how to work with your pattern maker more effectively?

In this blog, I’ll share some tips to help you avoid disappointment, including how to build the right foundations, communicate clearly, and trust the process. By taking these steps, you’ll not only improve your experience but also get the most out of your fashion label journey.

Why Working with a Pattern Maker Can Be Tricky

As a startup designer, you might find working with a pattern maker overwhelming. You’ve got all these ideas swirling in your head, but translating them into technical details can be challenging. And when things don’t go as planned, it’s easy to feel disappointed. The good news? You can avoid these hiccups with a bit of prep and communication.

Tip 1: Find the Right Fit for You

Avoid disappointment by finding a pattern maker who understands your vision and works with startups. This is crucial if you’re a designer seeking support and mentoring. For instance, if you’re part of our Fashion Label Launchpad, you’re already in a program designed to help startup designers grow. We offer one-on-one mentoring and a structured approach to developing your product.

Before joining, we have a chat to ensure we can deliver what you need. There’s no pressure—this is about finding the right fit. If our program isn’t for you, there might be someone else better suited. It’s important to connect with someone who aligns with your vision.

Tip 2: Trust the Process

One of the biggest mistakes startup designers make is skipping steps. We’ve got a system for a reason! From the initial business strategy session to creating a Pinterest board, every step is designed to help us get a clear picture of what you want. When a designer doesn’t take the time to go through the process, disappointment is almost inevitable.

Our business strategy session is essential. In this one-on-one chat, we dive deep into your business goals, styles, and timelines. If you skip this, you’re setting yourself up for frustration. Trust us, this step is there to help avoid disappointment and give you the best shot at success.

How to avoid designer distress

Tip 3: Build a Pinterest Board to Avoid Disappointment

A Pinterest board is not just a fun collection of images—it’s a tool to help you communicate your vision clearly. As a startup, you might not have the technical terms to describe fabrics, silhouettes, or styles. This is where Pinterest comes in handy. By visually showcasing your preferences, you avoid miscommunication and, in turn, disappointment.

Our team uses these boards to understand your preferences for fabrics, finishes, and design details. If you skip creating a Pinterest board, it can lead to gaps in communication. You want your pattern maker to know exactly what you’re envisioning, and this board helps achieve that.

Tip 4: Communication is Key

One of the biggest reasons for disappointment in fashion design is poor communication. If you’re not clear about what you want, the result won’t match your expectations. Avoid disappointment by over-communicating. Yes, over-communicating!

When sending garments, fabrics, or samples, include detailed notes. Don’t assume your pattern maker knows your likes and dislikes—write everything down. If you dislike a specific fabric or detail, let them know. This helps avoid misunderstandings and ensures your vision is brought to life.

Tip 5: Prepare for Design Meetings

If you want to avoid disappointment, preparation is key. Watch videos, do your research, and learn the basics of garment construction and key measurements. The more you know, the smoother your design meetings will go.

Many designers feel frustrated when they’re asked specific questions during these meetings, but preparation makes a huge difference. Understand how fabric choices, lengths, and measurements impact your designs. Trust me, doing your homework helps you make informed decisions and prevents disappointment later.

Tip 6: Use All Available Resources

We offer so many resources in the Fashion Label Launchpad. One of the best tools is our weekly “Ask Me Anything” calls, where clients can ask questions and learn from others. This open format helps designers grow, and not taking advantage of it is a missed opportunity.



True Cost of Offshore v Onshore Masterclass

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